
Ending Migrant Homelessness Conference – NACCOM, CRISIS and Homes for Cathy host one-day event to explore solutions to migrant homelessness

2020-02-13T11:07:39+00:009 January 2020|Conferences, News|

NACCOM, CRISIS and the Homes for Cathy group of Housing Associations are hosting a conference looking at Ending Migrant Homelessness. Image courtesy of CRISIS. This one-day event will bring together Housing Associations, charities [...]

NACCOM’s key asks – the five policies the next Government needs to adopt to #EndDestitution

2019-12-12T12:30:18+00:0012 December 2019|Campaigns, News|

Whatever the outcome of today’s General Election, NACCOM is asking the next Government to adopt these key policies to #EndDestitution amongst people seeking asylum, refugees and other migrants with no recourse to public funds. Hazel [...]

Scotland’s highest court rules ‘lock-change evictions’ are legal, putting many people seeking asylum at risk of homelessness

2019-11-19T15:48:17+00:0019 November 2019|Campaigns, News|

Last week, Scotland’s highest court ruled that lock-change evictions of people seeking asylum without court orders are legal. This means that those whose asylum claims have been refused can be evicted, putting them at immediate [...]

Guest blog: “Such extreme want as threatens life” – an account of destitution during the asylum process

2019-11-19T14:22:48+00:0019 November 2019|Blog, News|

In this compelling guest blog, Phil Davis, Coordinator for Hope Projects in Birmingham, part of the NACCOM network, looks at some of the key factors that lead to destitution for those who are appeal rights [...]

Charities highlight severe failures in the new Advice, Issue Reporting and Eligibility Assistance (AIRE) contract

2019-11-07T13:42:19+00:007 November 2019|Campaigns, News|

NACCOM is one of 120 charities to call for urgent action to be taken to review "severe failures" in the new Advice, Issue Reporting and Eligibility Assistance (AIRE) contract, which delivers asylum support. In a [...]

How has NACCOM made an impact this year? Read our 2018-2019 Impact Report

2019-10-24T13:59:56+01:0024 October 2019|Campaigns, News, Resources|

[button link="" bg_color="#3d9293"]DOWNLOAD OUR 2018 - 2019 IMPACT REPORT[/button] Hazel Williams, NACCOM’s National Director, introduces our latest Impact Report and outlines how NACCOM has made an impact this year. “This is the second Impact Report [...]

NACCOM and EASL offer one-day Introduction to Mental Health course for those working with refugees and people seeking asylum

2019-10-16T15:31:22+01:0016 October 2019|News|

NACCOM in partnership with EASL is running a one day course for those working with refugees, people seeking asylum and other migrants. When: Wednesday 20th November (one-day course) Time: 9:45 for a 10am start – [...]

A joint open letter to the new Home Secretary, from organisations working in the refugee and migration sector

2019-10-21T10:17:13+01:0031 July 2019|Campaigns, News|

NACCOM has joined with 37 other organisations working in the migration and refugee sector to send an open, joint letter to the new Home Secretary, Priti Patel, outlining the current pressing issues within the UK [...]

Guest blog – “We’re happy to host” A delegate’s view of NACCOM’s hosting convention 2019

2019-07-22T12:52:40+01:0022 July 2019|Conferences, News|

Esther Bakari from Birmingham Community Hosting Network (BIRCH) shares her experience of our Happy To Host annual convention: "Saturday 13th July saw the introduction of the ‘Happy to Host’ Convention organised by NACCOM. "Taking place [...]

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT – Lancashire Sanctuary Homes Project run by Together Lancashire

2019-07-18T11:28:14+01:0018 July 2019|News, Project news|

Lisa Norcross, Development Co-Ordinator at Together Lancashire, talks to us about their Lancashire Sanctuary Homes Project for refugees and destitute asylum seekers, and the challenges and rewards of turning an existing grassroots support network into [...]

How our members’ data helps us make an impact: Update on the use of the 2017-18 member survey findings

2019-07-08T13:14:55+01:0025 June 2019|Campaigns, News|

Each year, NACCOM Members provide information on the number, needs and experiences of people accommodated through their services who are facing destitution because of the immigration system. Below is a summary of the ways data [...]

Mind the Gap – One Year On report provides fresh evidence of refugees’ vulnerability to homelessness during move-on period

2019-06-20T13:19:33+01:0020 June 2019|Campaigns, News, Resources|

To coincide with World Refugee Day, NACCOM has launched its Mind the Gap – One Year On report, which builds on findings published in June 2018 that made a direct link between Home Office policy [...]

‘The difference a warm welcome and adequate accommodation can make’- @JRSUK on their hosting scheme

2019-05-08T08:42:21+01:008 May 2019|News, Project news|

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) UK accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of those currently detained in Immigration Removal Centres near Heathrow and those made destitute during the asylum process. Naomi Turner is the Communities [...]

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