
General Election | How are the main parties promising to tackle destitution in the asylum and immigration system

2024-06-27T15:33:34+01:0027 June 2024|Blog, News|

NACCOM’s vision is for the UK to have a fair, just and humane asylum and immigration system, which enables people seeking asylum, refugees and other migrants to be free from destitution and to live [...]

Blog and Joint Briefing | Impacts of the Illegal Migration Act on Local Authorities, with Asylum Matters

2024-04-22T17:12:22+01:0022 April 2024|Blog, News, Resources|

In July 2023, the controversial and deeply inhumane Illegal Migration Act (IMA) became law, marking the biggest overhaul of the UK asylum system in decades.   The Act will not only have a profound impact [...]

Blog | Evictions into homelessness – the ongoing ‘move-on’ emergency facing people leaving the asylum system

2024-09-16T14:14:24+01:004 April 2024|Blog, News|

Homelessness amongst refugees leaving the asylum system has been on the rise over the last year, in large part due to a change in process to the asylum move-on period, introduced by the Home [...]

Blog post | Insights from our winter Regional Member Hubs Part 1 – Challenges across the network

2023-04-06T16:02:01+01:006 April 2023|Blog, News, Regional Meetings|

What are Regional Hub Meetings and why are they important? At the heart of the NACCOM network is the relationship we foster with our members. One of the ways we nurture and develop this [...]

Comment piece for Inside Housing | Bridget Young writes about workable housing pathways for refugees and people seeking asylum

2023-02-02T15:34:15+00:002 February 2023|Blog, News|

Suella Braverman has stirred up outrage over comments to a Holocaust survivor. NACCOM's Director, Bridget Young, considers the role that housing plays for people seeking asylum now, and how things could be better. This [...]

Blog | New research reveals how Local Authorities can, and should, do more for migrants with no recourse to public funds

2022-07-07T16:27:57+01:007 July 2022|Blog, News|

NACCOM’s Community Research volunteer group has been working with Homeless Link to explore experiences of accessing support from local authorities throughout the pandemic. Following the publication of the project report, the Community Researchers share their [...]

How we’re evidencing destitution | Launching our 2022 Annual Members’ Survey

2022-06-23T14:02:02+01:0023 June 2022|Reports and research, Blog, News|

Since 2013, NACCOM has gathered data from our members through our Annual Members’ Survey, which enables us to track the scale and impact of destitution in the asylum and immigration system.   This comprehensive data helps [...]

NACCOM Community Research Programme: One Year Review – key learning and recommendations

2022-06-22T15:25:09+01:0020 June 2022|Reports and research, Blog, News|

NACCOM’s Community Research Programme was established in March 2021 to provide a space for people with lived experience of immigration control to research, analyse and present solutions to destitution in our communities.  Community [...]

Joint blog with Homeless Link | Community Researchers share their experiences of accessing homelessness support

2021-11-25T16:41:39+00:0023 November 2021|Reports and research, Blog, News|

NACCOM’s Community Researcher group has been working with Homeless Link to explore experiences of accessing support from Local Authorities throughout the pandemic. In this blog, we discuss early reflections from our research and calls [...]

Statement and briefing: “We condemn the increasingly hostile actions of this Government towards people seeking protection.”

2021-10-12T13:40:58+01:0019 July 2021|Blog, News|

This week sees the second reading in Parliament of the Government's Nationality and Borders Bill, as well as the lifting of the temporary ban on evictions from asylum accommodation for people refused asylum in the [...]

Guest blog: Boaz Trust – “No amount of charity will end the deliberate forms of destitution that our clients have had to endure. Only political change can achieve that.”

2021-05-25T12:09:51+01:0025 May 2021|Blog, News|

In response to an increasingly hostile Government approach to asylum and immigration, more and more of our frontline members are considering whether advocacy and campaigning work, alongside practical support, should be part of their strategic [...]

“Gathering meaningful data is crucial for effective advocacy” – how our data project is helping NACCOM members

2021-05-20T13:13:45+01:0013 May 2021|Blog, News|

Following the launch of our Data gathering project in March, consultant David Waterfall, whom NACCOM has commissioned to deliver the project, has been busy meeting members and supporting the development of NACCOM's 2021 Annual Membership [...]

Heather Petch joins the NACCOM team as Interim Director: “This is a critical time for destitute migrants and those at risk of destitution”

2021-05-20T13:14:54+01:004 May 2021|Blog, News|

In April, we welcomed Heather Petch to the NACCOM team as Interim Director. On joining NACCOM, Heather said: "I have been entrusted with the Interim Director role to work with Naccom trustees, staff, member organisations [...]

Guest blog: “We chose to rebrand as Safe in Scotland as a declaration of the future we want”

2021-04-29T12:34:27+01:0029 April 2021|Blog, News|

Safe in Scotland has been preventing homelessness among asylum seekers since 2011. In the below guest blog, we hear how the charity - formerly Glasgow Night Shelter for Destitute Asylum Seekers - has remodelled their [...]

“The NACCOM network is a beacon of hope” – reflections from our outgoing National Director, Renae Mann

2021-09-30T13:52:12+01:0026 March 2021|Blog, News|

Renae Mann, our outgoing National Director, reflects on her time at NACCOM: It’s been my huge privilege to lead NACCOM for the last seven months, and to see how a dedicated group of people can [...]

“We must uphold the right of people to seek protection here” – Our statement in response to the New Plan for Immigration

2021-04-20T14:58:44+01:0024 March 2021|Blog, News|

NACCOM's response to the Government's New Plan for Immigration, which was launched on 24th March 2021. "The proposals announced today as part of the New Plan for Immigration lay bare the Government’s contempt for the [...]

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