Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope is a full member of NACCOM supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation who have the added complication of complex immigration issues. We support asylum seekers, refugees and [...]
Whispers of Hope is a full member of NACCOM supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation who have the added complication of complex immigration issues. We support asylum seekers, refugees and [...]
The Helen Bamber Foundation supports refugees and asylum seekers who have experienced human cruelty, including torture, human trafficking and other human rights abuses. We provide specialist care to meet the complex needs of some of [...]
We empower sanctuary seekers and refugees to build new futures in Wales and have over 33 years’ experience. We listen to people’s needs, and co-produce projects that create improved pathways of support. Phone: 029 2048 [...]
Haringey Migrant Support Centre (HMSC) runs a weekly service for migrants providing advice and casework on immigration, welfare, housing and community care issues. It also offers destitution support as well as referring or signposting to [...]
Second City Housing Ltd was set up in 2016 to provide accommodation and support to individuals who are at risk of homelessness. Their main aim is to deliver holistic housing services to maximize tenancy sustainability [...]
Glass Door Homeless Charity is London's largest open-access network of emergency winter shelters and support services for men and women affected by homelessness. By partnering with churches to provide shelter and support, Glass Door is [...]
A Drop-In Centre for asylum seekers and refugees that has operated at the Victoria Hall since 2001. Casework support has also been provided over the years and initially was part of the drop-in service. Since [...]
Philoxenia Housing Ltd is currently developing their accommodation offer for refugees and migrants with NRPF in Bury in the North West of England. Email: [email protected]
Crisis Crisis works directly with thousands of homeless people every year. They provide vital help so that people can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good. They offer one to one [...]
The Refugee Council works directly with thousands of refugees each year. The charity supports them from the moment they arrive in the UK. They provide crisis advice and practical support, help them to integrate into [...]
Hackney Migrant Centre joined NACCOM in 2019 as an Associate Member. Hackney Migrant Centre runs a weekly drop-in advice service with the help of volunteers and professional advisers. Visitors to the service receive initial immigration, [...]
RADAR (Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees) is an organisation based in Rochdale which aims to provide temporary accommodation for destitute asylum seekers with NRPF. Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
The Institute of Our Lady of Mercy is an Associate Member of NACCOM based in Leeds, Yorkshire. The charity provides support to destitute people seeking asylum and refugees, with a special concern for women and [...]
Darlington Assistance for Refugees is a registered charity (CIO) based in Darlington, County Durham. Our organisation is run by volunteers who work alongside refugees and asylum seekers as they rebuild their lives in the [...]
Martha House is a small charity providing accommodation to forced migrants experiencing homelessness in London. Food and accommodation are provided for guests who have no recourse to public funds and are not allowed to work. [...]
New Neighbours Together are a hosting charity based in Burnley, in the North West, also offering a drop-in service, advice and support, group social and sporting activities, distribution of quality second-hand household goods and clothes, personal [...]
Migration Foundation The Migration Foundation has a 1 x 10 bedroom house in Derby, East Midlands for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds. The property belongs to Metropolitan Thames Valley [...]
ACAP (Ashton Churches Asylum Project) currently provides a small amount of hosting on an informal basis and are hoping to secure the use of a property to house destitute asylum seekers and refugees. Contact: Chris [...]
Caritas operates 30 different services in the Diocese of Salford - Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Services in emergency night shelters, housing and hostels for homeless people , refugees and asylum seekers mainly in the Greater [...]
Safe in Scotland is a human rights organisation committed to ending destitution among asylum seekers. We provide safe, dignified, ensuite accommodation 24/7 collaborating with case workers, service providers, and the communities we work alongside. Contact: [...]
Commonweal works with Praxis Community Projects (a Full NACCOM Member) to run an NRPF housing project in London. The project provides free bed spaces for single women with NRPF, cross subsidised by income from housing [...]
Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP) is an independent refugee-led charity in West London that aims to support refugees as they rebuild new lives in West London, and to live as valued and equal [...]
Ubuntu Women Shelter is a Glasgow based charity dedicated to meeting emergency and short term accommodation needs of women who are destitute with no recourse to public funds. We are the first service in [...]
Contact: Marie M'bengle Email address: [email protected] Phone number: 07737044944
Together with Migrant Children works with children, young people and families who are migrants, refugees or asylum seekers. We work nationwide, with the majority of our work in London and the South East. We are [...]
Community of Grace is a community based in Leicester that houses up to 16 people who are homeless, refugees or asylum seekers regardless of recourse to public funds. The project is run by the residence [...]
The Sanctuary was founded in 2008 and provides a daily drop-in service and daily activities for asylum seekers and refugees in Newport. The project is now run by the charity 'The Gap Wales', originally growing out [...]
Refugee Women Connect (RWC) is a support and advice service for women seeking asylum, refugees and their children. We run 3 drop in sessions each week, where women come for casework and to socialise. We [...]
Name: Joanne Watters Email: [email protected] Website Social media: Twitter / Facebook
Hope Housing aims to provide a positive pathway out of homelessness through supported housing for people in all homeless situations including refugees, failed asylum seekers, EA migrants, those who are destitute as well as people [...]