Project Plan

Planning to start a hosting scheme? Thanks to Action Foundation for this practical and informative guide:

Project plan for hosting schemes in NACCOM


Thanks to Action Foundation and other contributors for the following guide to insurance for hosting schemes:

Insurance issues for hosting schemes

If you have experienced issues with accessing insurance, you can use this NACCOM Insurance Issues template to document any problems in order that we can raise them with the DLA (Discrimination Law Association).

Hosting Liability Agreements

London Hosting have shared their hosting agreement below which other members are welcome to use if they wish:

Housing Justice London Hosting Agreement Final Version

Other Hosting Information 

The Boaz Trust have shared the following hosting guides which other members are welcome to use if they wish:

Hosting Info For Guests

Client Host Hosting Agreement

Hosting Guide 2015

New Host Details Agreement 2016

LASSN have shared this link to their online resources for hosting schemes.

Other users of these resources please note the Creative Commons 2.0 footnote (copyright purposes).