
New report out today highlights benefits of right to work for people seeking asylum #LiftTheBan

2018-10-16T10:46:17+01:0016 October 2018|Campaigns, News, Resources|

Today sees the launch of the #LiftTheBan report on why people seeking asylum should have the right to work. The report, which can be found here, calls on the Government to give asylum seekers and their [...]

#EndDestitution- Invitation to NACCOM members to join our Campaigning & Advocacy event

2018-10-11T10:51:18+01:0011 October 2018|Campaigns, Conferences, News, Resources|

NACCOM Members, are you interested in advocating for changes in policy to reduce and prevent destitution? If yes, then this month we'd like to encourage you to join our free Campaigning and Advocacy Day to [...]

Member Spotlight: Hope Into Action’s pilot project to get migrant workers off the streets

2018-09-21T08:53:28+01:0021 September 2018|News, Project news|

Hope into Action: Black Country and Wolverhampton Council have launched a pilot project to get migrants - who have the right to work - off the streets and into employment and accommodation. Matthieu Lambert, the [...]

NACCOM’s response to the government’s U-turn on supported housing

2018-08-23T14:23:18+01:0023 August 2018|Campaigns, News, Project news|

Earlier this month, ministers announced the scrapping of proposed changes to the provision of ‘supported housing’, in a move that has been welcomed by many in the homelessness sector following years of uncertainty and months [...]

‘We knew this was a scandal’- Praxis Community Projects on lessons from Windrush

2018-08-23T14:12:05+01:0026 August 2018|Campaigns, Conferences, News, Project news|

Praxis Community Projects are a long-standing NACCOM member providing casework, housing, legal advice and peer support to migrants at risk or at a point of crisis in London, including those facing destitution and homelessness. Until [...]

Bid Writing Workshops

2018-08-14T10:38:05+01:0014 August 2018|News|

NFP workshops are putting on  affordable and accessible Basic and Advanced Bid Writing Workshops in various locations across the UK this Autumn. Designed for charities, schools or not for profit organisations who want to submit grant [...]

An update on the APPG on Ending Homelessness and the launch of its recent report

2018-08-08T15:00:00+01:008 August 2018|Campaigns, News, Resources|

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Ending Homelessness recently launched its second annual report. The focus was on migrant homelessness, youth homelessness and rapid rehousing models.  The report, which can be found in full [...]

‘Mind the Gap’ – new report on refugees facing homelessness after move on period

2018-06-12T12:04:28+01:0012 June 2018|Campaigns, News, Resources|

Featuring evidence from winter night shelters in the network, earlier this month NACCOM published 'Mind the Gap', a report highlighting how Home Office policy is out of sync with efforts by other government departments to [...]

Join us for our one-day event focusing on refugee accommodation and support on May 24th

2018-03-28T15:28:11+01:0028 March 2018|Conferences, News, Regional Meetings|

On May 24th, NACCOM is hosting its first ever one-day event focusing on accommodation and support for newly recognised refugees. The event, which takes place at St George’s Conference Centre in Leeds, will explore accommodation [...]

Opportunity to respond to the Government’s Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper- deadline 5th June

2018-04-10T14:39:42+01:0010 April 2018|Campaigns, News, Resources|

In March, the Government launched the Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper, in response to to the Casey Review. The needs of, and barriers faced by, refugees were mentioned at several key points in the paper and there is [...]

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