Job opportunity at FODI in Sunderland
Friends of the Drop-in for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (FODI) in Sunderland are seeking a PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKER. This is a full-time post, funded for two and a half years but we will seek to [...]
Friends of the Drop-in for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (FODI) in Sunderland are seeking a PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKER. This is a full-time post, funded for two and a half years but we will seek to [...]
Nominations are now open for the Community Integration Awards, a new initiative celebrating striking examples of integration work in the UK. Sponsored by Migration Work CIC, nominations are invited for projects in communities across the country, but please [...]
NACCOM Member One Roof Leicester have recently gained two new houses for destitute asylum seekers and refugees. They are currently in the final stages of preparing the leases and getting the keys, after which they hope to start furnishing [...]
“Before you, no one knock my door. Now I feel I have family and support.” A Welcome Box recipient. Set up by Derby-based Upbeat Communities and supported by the Cinnamon Network, Welcome Boxes represent a practical [...]
NACCOM would like to extend our warm congratulations to Mariam, a Manchester-based Somali asylum seeker who won the Women on The Move Awards in March. Nominated by NACCOM member Boaz Trust, Mariam recently said of her experiences: “If we did not [...]
For a number of years, destitute asylum seekers and refugees have been hosted on an ad-hoc basis across Calderdale, but following a preliminary meeting in January, NACCOM Member St. Augustine’s Centre has produced a hosting [...]
We would like to say thanks to our friends at Totaal for developing our new-look site, which launched this week. Here is a quick guide to what you can find: Get to know more about the [...]
The NACCOM Annual Report for 2015 has now been published and is available to download via our Resources page. On the significant developments that have taken place within the network over the last year, Dave Smith (NACCOM Coordinator) [...]
We would like to extend our warm welcome to Host Oxford, one of the newest NACCOM members. The organisation was formed in March 2015 and took off in September after a Refugees Welcome demonstration attended by 2,000 [...]
All projects that are currently offering accommodation to refused asylum seekers should have now been contacted about becoming Full Members of NACCOM. Other projects and individuals are very welcome to become Associate Members. Details of [...]
Since September and the refugee crisis hitting Europe, there has been a upsurge in the offers of accommodation in spare rooms across the UK. Although many of these offers were specifically for Syrians, and often [...]
NACCOM project member Action Foundation has recently been announced as one of the winners of the Guardian Charity Award 2015. The charity is aiming to use the money to set up a new house to support asylum [...]
This month, NACCOM welcomes Lucy Smith as our new part-time Communications, Media and Advocacy Officer. Lucy will be handling media enquiries and helping with access to media training. She will also be helping to develop and [...]
NACCOM will hold its 8th National Conference, “Working for a Better Asylum Future”, on Friday September 11th in Derby. The NACCOM Conference empowers organisations to tackle destitution amongst asylum seekers through innovative housing options and [...]
NACCOM has been invited to become a member of the newly formed Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution, which brings together professionals from the homelessness, refugee and migrant sectors to work together to tackle the problem [...]
Three new reports have just been published, which highlight some of the major concerns and issues facing destitute migrants. These are important reports that will help NACCOM members to improve their effectiveness and ultimately help those [...]
We're delighted to let you know that NACCOM was accepted as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) on June 26th, and our charity number is 1162434. We can now plan for the future, knowing that we [...]
Hope Housing are well known for their emphasis on user involvement and are running a focus group to explore how and why they do that, and what it means for their residents. There is a lot to [...]
October 2014 2014 NACCOM Operational Report now out! Building on the original mapping exercise undertaken in July 2013 which culminated in the Report "Tackling Homelessness and Destitution amongst Migrants with No Recourse to Public Funds", [...]
The steering group of NACCOM, comprising nine leaders from some of the larger member groups, have decided to seek status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. This will enable us to apply to larger trust funds and [...]
The Boaz Trust is hosting the next NACCOM Meeting on Housing Management- please see below for details. Date: Monday November 3rd 2014 Time: 10.45 to 4.00 Location: Freedom From Torture in Central Manchester Programme: Morning: 10.45 - [...]
The Liverpool Law Clinic is launching a free legal representation service to help people who are stateless to make an application for leave to remain under the new statelessness determination procedure. It doesn't matter how long [...]
The new Immigration Bill is currently being debated. As I write it has passed the first stage. Only 18 MPs had the decency to vote against it. To me it appears to be driven by [...]
Reminder: The next NACCOM focus meeting will be Friday July 12th in Birmingham from 11 am to 3.30 pm. The focus of this meeting will be the Hope Housing scheme, which includes empty properties loaned by Housing [...]
Hi everyone, We held our first ever NACCOM Steering Group meeting in Manchester on January 18th. I was very impressed that 5 of the 9 managed to meet up, given that half of Britain was [...]