

Joint-letter – New Home Office policy on rough sleeping and the increased risks of modern slavery

1 December 2020|Campaigns, News|

NACCOM has joined with 150 other organisations and individuals to voice our concerns about changes to immigration rules that could see non-UK nationals deported for rough sleeping. In a joint letter on December 1st led [...]

NACCOM joins with leading homelessness charities to condemn the changes to immigration rules that could see migrant rough sleepers deported

6 November 2020|Campaigns, News|

New immigration rules targeting people sleeping rough will endanger lives, undermine progress in reducing homelessness and must be reconsidered. That is the message being sent today (November 5th) the UK Government by Crisis, Shelter, St [...]

#StopAsylumEvictions; No evictions into homelessness – our response to the Home Office decision on asylum evictions and call to action 

24 September 2020|Blog, Campaigns, News|

As of the 15th September, the Home Office has resumed evictions from asylum accommodation for people with a negative decision in England, with plans to resume in Scotland and Wales in the future. We are [...]

UK must maintain its long-standing commitment to international aid, charity leaders urge

27 November 2020|News|

NACCOM's National Director, Renae Mann, has joined civil society charities to urge the UK Government to maintain its commitment to the UK's international aid budget, stressing the importance of recognising the interconnectedness of international and [...]

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