

“The NACCOM network is a beacon of hope” – reflections from our outgoing National Director, Renae Mann

26 March 2021|Blog, News|

Renae Mann, our outgoing National Director, reflects on her time at NACCOM: It’s been my huge privilege to lead NACCOM for the last seven months, and to see how a dedicated group of people can [...]

“We must uphold the right of people to seek protection here” – Our statement in response to the New Plan for Immigration

24 March 2021|Blog, News|

NACCOM's response to the Government's New Plan for Immigration, which was launched on 24th March 2021. "The proposals announced today as part of the New Plan for Immigration lay bare the Government’s contempt for the [...]

NACCOM launches new project to support members with evidence gathering

26 February 2021|News, Project news|

Evidencing the vital role that frontline services play in responding to destitution is critical for effective influencing of decision-makers about the policies that create such problems in the first place, and in the process of identifying and strengthening good practice models to demonstrate how it can be prevented. As [...]

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