Welcome Home Project
Welcome Home offer high quality, well equipped temporary, emergency accommodation for mothers and children, based in London. We work with social workers and agencies needing to provide the accommodation when an emergency situation arises. Each room has its own bathroom, fridge, microwave, desk, chair and TV. Our families share a kitchen, lounge, garden and washing facilities. We offer personalised support to our Mums, from school or nursery applications to connections with local food banks etc, whilst working with social workers to understand each family's specific needs. Contact: Lise Thorne Email: [email protected] Website
Resettlement CIC
Contact: Melanie Khuddro Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Micro Rainbow
Micro Rainbow provides housing and social support for LGBTQI refugees and asylum seekers. Phone: 0800 358 5851 Email: [email protected] Website
Saint John of God Hospitaller Services (SJOG)
SJOG provides safe houses to victims of modern slavery and those with no recourse to public funds. SJOG and Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) are also part of the Community Sponsorship movement in the UK offering a matching, training and support service to sponsors and guests under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. Contact: Jamie MacKrill Email: [email protected] Website
Greenwich Winter Night Shelter
Greenwich Winter Night Shelter (part of the Greenwich Homeless Project) operates a winter night shelter (October - March) and a year-round day centre for anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness in Greenwich and surrounding areas. With support from over 200 volunteers, we provide single-room accommodation for nine individuals (including a women’s only wing), 1:1 casework and advocacy, and a pet friendly drop-in day centre where anyone who is homeless or vulnerably housed can access advice, support and facilities. All our services have been designed by guests through focus groups to work towards breaking the cycle of homelessness. [...]
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS)
Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support (DCRS) supports people seeking asylum and refugees in Devon and Cornwall. We advocate around their immigration cases up to OISC level 1. We also support around integration into the local community, run activities and provide English classes. Phone: 01752 260471 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Housing Justice Cymru
Housing Justice Cymru runs a Wales-wide Hosting project for people with fragile immigration status. It works in partnership with local organisations. Hosts are needed in Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Wrexham. Housing Justice Cymru works with Welsh Government in their commitment to becoming a Nation of Sanctuary. Contact: Romy Wood Email: [email protected] Website / Twitter / Facebook
Leeds Destitute Asylum seekers Support (LEDAS) run two houses which each house up to 4 destitute asylum-seekers with No Recourse to Public Funds. We work collaboratively with Leeds City Council who provide grant support, and with PAFRAS who provide referral and case-work for our residents. Our aim is to provide family-style housing, in which the residents have dignity and independence. Housing essentials, food and an allowance are provided. The five LEDAS Trustees run the houses on a voluntary basis. Email: [email protected] Website
Kairos Housing
Kairos Housing provides safe accommodation and holistic support to refused asylum seekers and refugees who find themselves homeless within Blackburn with Darwen. Contact: Lisa Norcross Phone 07877972373 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Connection Support
Connection Support are part of a partnership project across Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire to provide housing, legal advice and support to those who are homeless, refugees and people with NRPF. Phone Number: 01865 711 267 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
NOAH Enterprise
NOAH's mission is to help in alleviating poverty, bringing hope and helping people who have no where to turn to; particularly those who are temporary or entrenched rough sleepers, and those who are marginalized and socially excluded, or have simply fallen into poverty. NOAH takes a holistic approach to homelessness and exclusion and no matter which service a person comes to first they are encouraged to make use of as many areas of NOAH as necessary to enable them to reach their potential. Our services are focused on Luton and the wider Bedfordshire area. We provide accommodation for people [...]
Princes Avenue Methodist Church Open Doors
Princes Avenue Methodist Church Open Doors places and supports destitute asylum seekers in two houses operated by other charities. Name: Cecil Jones Email: [email protected] Phone: 01482 345132 Website: http://www.Open-doors.org.uk
Severn Angels Housing & Support
We provide accommodation and support to refugees, mothers fleeing domestic violence, care leavers, asylum seekers and vulnerable women from 16 years over. Severn Angels supports homeless people with either psychological support, counselling, support with applying for benefits, applying for housing and a wide range of services. Our goal is to equip individuals and young people leaving care with the skills that will allow them to live independently and find a job they can earn a living from. This support comes in different forms, from providing supported housing where the individuals can live and be supported emotionally and also get help, [...]
Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope is a full member of NACCOM supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation who have the added complication of complex immigration issues. We support asylum seekers, refugees and those on spouse and family reunion visas. We provide befriending and sign posting to other agencies as well as well-being activities and a weekly SafeSpace meeting. We also have a Safe House, Avan House, offering temporary accommodation to women with no recourse to public funds. This house of hospitality has a part-time live-in host as well as other volunteers who provide emotional and practical support [...]
Second City Housing
Second City Housing Ltd was set up in 2016 to provide accommodation and support to individuals who are at risk of homelessness. Their main aim is to deliver holistic housing services to maximize tenancy sustainability and assist individuals on a pathway into employment, training & advice. The ethos of Second City Housing is to work with those most in need of housing, providing a robust service, enabling their customers to lead independent living. Second City Housing offers: Shared accommodation Self-Contained Houses in Multiple occupation (HMO) Independent living Website: http://secondcityhousing.com/ Email: [email protected] Social media: Twitter / Facebook
Glass Door Homeless Charity
Glass Door Homeless Charity is London's largest open-access network of emergency winter shelters and support services for men and women affected by homelessness. By partnering with churches to provide shelter and support, Glass Door is committed to supporting people get—and stay—off the street. Glass Door offers shelter, advice and support through a wide-range of services. Contact: Anna Yassin Phone: 0207 351 4948 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Philoxenia Housing Ltd
Philoxenia Housing Ltd is currently developing their accommodation offer for refugees and migrants with NRPF in Bury in the North West of England. Email: [email protected]
Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees (RADAR)
RADAR (Rochdale Action with Destitute Asylum seekers and Refugees) is an organisation based in Rochdale which aims to provide temporary accommodation for destitute asylum seekers with NRPF. Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Martha House
Martha House is a small charity providing accommodation to forced migrants experiencing homelessness in London. Food and accommodation are provided for guests who have no recourse to public funds and are not allowed to work. Open to forced migrants with low support needs, who are engaging with services to regularise their immigration status. We accept referrals from agencies who work with migrants who will continue to support clients with their immigration issues or who work closely with their client’s immigration advisers/legal team and will continue to offer clients their services and facilities. We are unable to accept referrals to The [...]
New Neighbours Together
New Neighbours Together are a hosting charity based in Burnley, in the North West, also offering a drop-in service, advice and support, group social and sporting activities, distribution of quality second-hand household goods and clothes, personal development programmes and English tuition. Contact: Sharif Haidari Phone: 07710 550 181 Email: [email protected] Website
Migration Foundation (Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing)
Migration Foundation The Migration Foundation has a 1 x 10 bedroom house in Derby, East Midlands for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds. The property belongs to Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, with the service fully funded by the Migration Foundation (a restricted fund of MTVH). We take referrals from local charities and take a holistic approach to support our clients. We offer small hardship grants, receive food donations from local businesses, support residents who want to volunteer or access employment, and offer opportunities for clients to socialise, play sports, etc. Most clients already have legal [...]
ACAP (Ashton Churches Asylum Project)
ACAP (Ashton Churches Asylum Project) currently provides a small amount of hosting on an informal basis and are hoping to secure the use of a property to house destitute asylum seekers and refugees. Contact: Chris Wooff Phone: 01942724207 Email: [email protected] Website
Caritas Diocese of Salford
Caritas operates 30 different services in the Diocese of Salford - Greater Manchester and Lancashire. Services in emergency night shelters, housing and hostels for homeless people , refugees and asylum seekers mainly in the Greater Manchester area; resettlement of refugees, advocacy for destitute people and food-banks and drop-ins. We are members of Caritas Social Action Network - the official agency of the Catholic Bishops conference of England and Wales that is part of the European and International Caritas family responding to poverty and injustice globally. Contact: Patrick O'Dowd Phone: 0161 817 2250 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
Safe In Scotland
Safe in Scotland is a human rights organisation committed to ending destitution among asylum seekers. We provide safe, dignified, ensuite accommodation 24/7 collaborating with case workers, service providers, and the communities we work alongside. Contact: Annika Joy Email: [email protected] Phone: 07818 372 130 Website: https://www.safeinscotland.com/
Ubuntu Women Shelter
Ubuntu Women Shelter is a Glasgow based charity dedicated to meeting emergency and short term accommodation needs of women who are destitute with no recourse to public funds. We are the first service in the UK run and managed by people with lived experience of migration, asylum and destitution. We are in direct resistance to the hostile environment and have an ethos of no borders and refuse to consent to the current border regime. Our services include hosting women, referrals and advocacy and are designed to meet the unique emotional and psychological needs of women excluded from homelessness and [...]
Community of Grace
Community of Grace is a community based in Leicester that houses up to 16 people who are homeless, refugees or asylum seekers regardless of recourse to public funds. The project is run by the residence and volunteers with no paid staff and provides support and befriending to everyone involved. Contact: Ben Brown Email: [email protected] Phone number: 07971 218710 Website: www.communityofgrace.co.uk
Father Hudson’s Care
Name: Joanne Watters Email: [email protected] Website Social media: Twitter / Facebook
Hope Housing
Hope Housing aims to provide a positive pathway out of homelessness through supported housing for people in all homeless situations including refugees, failed asylum seekers, EA migrants, those who are destitute as well as people with drug/alcohol problems or other support requirements. We provide casework support, and help people to access legal advice if required. Phone: 01274 900 764 Email: [email protected] Website/ Facebook
Giroscope is a provider of housing to disadvantaged people in Hull. We buy and renovate derelict and unused houses which we let on affordable rents to people in need, run volunteer programmes, support small enterprise development and provide food parcels. We also provide one house rent free to a family of EU migrants with no recourse to public funds and are part of the Gateway Resettlement Programme. We are working with Open Doors Hull to provide more housing for destitute refused asylum seekers. Email: [email protected] Website
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary is a voluntary community of people who are asylum seekers, refugees and UK nationals. It is volunteer led and its main aim is to create a culture of welcome where people can rebuild their lives when they arrive in Wolverhampton. We support asylum seekers in Wolverhampton and educate the public about the issues they face. We operate a fund which can provide subsistence, emergency accommodation and other help to homeless and destitute asylum seekers in the area, and a weekly drop-in where people are welcomed and signposted to appropriate sources of help. Contact: George Reiss Phone: [...]