[searchandfilter fields=”doc_topic,doc_author,doc_source,doc_type” types=”checkbox,select,select,select” headings=”Topics,Authors,Sources,Document Type” submit_label=”Filter by Selection” empty_search_url=”/members-area/doc_library/” operators=”or,or,or,or”]
Hosting Toolkit- Guidelines for referrals (LASSN)
Hosting Toolkit- Host and Hosting Agreement (Boaz Trust)
Funding Your Project April 2017- Developing a FUNDING strategy ‘A Project’s Perspective’- Action Foundation
Hosting Toolkit- Hosting Confidentiality Declaration (Action Foundation)
Funding Your Project 2019 (Leeds 29-04-19) – Workshop 1: Community Fundraising Handout by Lyndsey McLellan from ASSIST Sheffield
Annual Conference 2017- Information Gathering, how and why bother? (Action Foundation slides)
Hosting Toolkit- Safeguarding Adults Policy Sept 2016 (LASSN)
Country guides – produced by Sanctuary Hosting
Sanctuary Hosting has produced the following country guides to help those providing services to people seeking asylum and refugees foster better cultural understanding when supporting people.
Short country guide to Albania
Hosting Toolkit- Client Assessment Form (Action Foundation)
Funding Your Project April 2017- Growing your Supporter Base – Housing Justice
Refugee Move on Event May 2018- Steps to take with refugees after the 28 day move on period (Mentoring and Befriending)
Hosting Toolkit- Property Checklist (Action Foundation)
Funding Your Project 2019 (Leeds 29-04-19) – Workshop 2: Trusts & Foundations Presentation Slides by Caron Boulghassoul from Nottingham Arimathea Trust
Annual Conference 2017- Increasing Accommodation Capacity (Open Door North East slides)
Hosting Toolkit- Safeguarding Policy Dec 2015 (BEACON)
Hosting Toolkit- Info for Guests (Boaz Trust)
Funding Your Project April 2017- Growing Your Supporter Base- ASSIST Sheffield
Refugee Move on Event May 2018- Landlords, Lodging and Social Lettings (Open Door North East slides)
Hosting Toolkit- Application form for hosts July 2016 (Housing Justice Hosting)
Funding Your Project 2019 (Leeds 29-04-19) – Workshop 3: Measuring Impact Presentation Slides by Jon Beech from Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN)
Annual Conference 2017- Increasing Your Accommodation Capacity (Boaz Trust slides)
Hosting Toolkit- Host Exit Interview (Housing Justice Hosting)
Coronavirus resources – reference documents and templates
Following our recent thematic Member hub meetings, we have pulled together some useful resources and templates from members to help you with your post Covid-19 lockdown planning, whether you are running a housing, hosting, drop-in or other form of direct service delivery.
If you feel that there is something missing or need specific help or advice, then please do get in touch.
➡️ Five steps to post-COVID-19 planning
➡️ St Augustine’s – phased reopening document
➡️ Reopening work premises after Covid-19 – Directors Briefing May 2020
➡️ Generic […]