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Hosting Toolkit- Info for Guests (Boaz Trust)

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17 January 2019|

Coronavirus resources – reference documents and templates

Following our recent thematic Member hub meetings, we have pulled together some useful resources and templates from members to help you with your post Covid-19 lockdown planning, whether you are running a housing, hosting, drop-in or other form of direct service delivery.

If you feel that there is something missing or need specific help or advice, then please do get in touch.

➡️ Five steps to post-COVID-19 planning

➡️ Working Safely Guide

➡️ St Augustine’s – phased reopening document

➡️ Reopening work premises after Covid-19 – Directors Briefing May 2020

➡️ IOSH risk-assessment guide

➡️ Generic […]

24 July 2020|
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