

Opportunity to respond to the Government’s Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper- deadline 5th June

10 April 2018|Campaigns, News, Resources|

In March, the Government launched the Integrated Communities Strategy Green Paper, in response to to the Casey Review. The needs of, and barriers faced by, refugees were mentioned at several key points in the paper and there is [...]

Free webinar on support for migrant families with no recourse to public funds – with Project 17

6 March 2018|News, Resources|

In an upcoming online session exclusively for NACCOM members, Project 17 will give a brief overview of what statutory support is available for migrant families who have no recourse to public funds and who are [...]

What we’re doing with funding from the Guardian and Observer appeal and how to get involved!

2 March 2018|News, Project news, Resources|

We are delighted to have been awarded £500,000 through the Guardian and Observer Charity Winter Appeal. Here's a short update about what we're doing with the funding and how to be part of the capacity-building [...]

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