

Tracking the scale and impact of destitution | Launching our Annual Survey data 2023

9 November 2023|Reports and research, News|

NACCOM’s latest Annual Survey data reveals thousands of people in the asylum and immigration system experienced destitution and homelessness last year. Latest figures from NACCOM show that 3,724 people were accommodated by the [...]

Webinar | Policy recommendations from our latest report; Refused? Experiences following a negative asylum decision

11 September 2023|Conferences, News|

Join NACCOM and members of our Community Research group for a policy-focussed webinar based on our recent report, Refused? Experiences following a negative asylum decision. This peer-led research, which was designed and delivered at [...]

Statement and joint letter | Changes to procedure for ending asylum support causing increased homelessness

6 September 2023|Campaigns, News|

Hosting and housing organisations in the NACCOM network have seen a sharp rise in referrals for homelessness support, as many refugees are given only seven days’ notice to leave asylum accommodation under changes to [...]

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