Young Roots
Young Roots. We provide one to one casework support to young asylum seekers and refugees between the ages of 11-25 in Croydon and Brent. We help them to access services, accommodation and support. Website
Young Roots. We provide one to one casework support to young asylum seekers and refugees between the ages of 11-25 in Croydon and Brent. We help them to access services, accommodation and support. Website
Giroscope is a provider of housing to disadvantaged people in Hull. We buy and renovate derelict and unused houses which we let on affordable rents to people in need, run volunteer programmes, support small enterprise development [...]
The Asylum and Refugee Community (ARC) Blackburn is a charity founded in 2004 that provides practical support to asylum seekers and refugees in Blackburn with Darwen, Lancashire. We pride ourselves on working in partnership with [...]
Watford & Three Rivers Refugee Partnership (WTRRP) Watford & Three Rivers Refugee Partnership (WTRRP) offers support to refugees, asylum seekers and non-European migrants with no recourse to public funds in West Hertfordshire. Our mission is to help [...]
Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL) was set up in 2006 to reduce the poverty of local refugees and asylum-seekers, advance their education and raise awareness about refugees rights and needs. Services include advice in welfare [...]
Penrith and Eden Refugee Network provides support and welcomes single adult refugees with leave to remain to settle in Penrith. Refugees must choose to settle in Penrith and we provide initial hosting and support into private rental [...]
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary is a voluntary community of people who are asylum seekers, refugees and UK nationals. It is volunteer led and its main aim is to create a culture of welcome where people [...]
GARAS opens the door to support those seeking asylum in Gloucestershire, providing a drop-in service for asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants. Here we provide level one advice in asylum and immigration. We help clients [...]
Govan Community Project (GCP) provides services in the Govan and Cardonald area, including community social groups for men and women, a fresh food distribution service, free English language classes, and an advice and advocacy service for people [...]
Sufra NW London is a community hub that provides emergency food parcels, a community kitchen, guidance and advocacy, an accredited Food Academy course, a refugee resettlement programme, and a Community Growing Project that provides training in [...]
WYDAN operate a winter night shelter for destitute asylums seekers in the Leeds area, providing befriending, signposting and a weekly financial allowance to those housed there. Contact: Katrina Burton Phone: 07928 006 438 Email: [email protected] Website
The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation, at work in over 50 countries around the world with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced [...]
Housing Justice Cymru runs a Wales-wide Hosting project for people with fragile immigration status. ShareDydd is a hosting project run by Housing Justice Cymru in Cardiff and Newport. It works in partnership with local organisations. [...]
Hope at Home is a UK-wide charity fighting the cycle of modern day slavery and human trafficking, preventing re-trafficking and survivor homelessness by equipping people to host survivors in their homes and facilitating adult to [...]
The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network (TERN). We enable refugees to thrive through the power of their own ideas. We do this through providing them with access to business support networks and business financing, designed to help accelerate [...]
C4WS runs a winter night shelter from November to the end of March every year. We do not accept self referrals, but you can visit one of our partners who will take you through the [...]
Coventry Migrant Women House is an accommodation service for forced migrant women without any source of income in the Midlands. The project has been established since 2016 and works closely with other NACCOM Members in the [...]
Refugee Support Devon. We provide support to Refugees Asylum seekers and their families living in Devon, our projects are: Education and employability support Immigration advice level 2 Outreach support Drop-in services Allotment Destitution fund Contact: Kiven [...]
Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR) supports asylum seekers who are trying to ensure that the human right to housing is realised for all asylum seekers in Northern Ireland. We monitor conditions in NASS accommodation, [...]
Thousand 4 £1000 CIO is a discrete offshoot of Brighton Migrant Solidarity (BMS being focused mainly on campaigning). We are the only organisation in the Brighton area providing housing support to destitute migrants who are not [...]
We are active in helping to make Swindon a welcoming place for people seeking sanctuary. We are happy to advise on anything hosting related but no longer can arrange accommodation for people. Contact: Chloe Wolfe [...]
Open Doors International Language School (ODILS) is a faith-based charity that serves people living in the Plymouth area (including those who may travel to work in Cornwall) where English is their second language. We provide ESOL [...]
Abigail Housing is a West-Yorkshire based charitable company dedicated to providing support and homes to refugees and asylum seekers who find themselves destitute on our streets. This includes those who have been refused asylum but [...]
Action Foundation is the only organisation in Tyne and Wear specifically set up to provide supported accommodation for destitute asylum seekers who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF). We lease properties from private landlords [...]
Since 2003, ASSIST Sheffield has provided accommodation, bespoke casework service and welfare payments to people forced into destitution by the asylum system. Offering a period of relative stability from which clients can begin to [...]
Asylum Link Merseyside provides a drop-in Service for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, offering welcome and friendship. A broad range of services from tea/coffee/meals and social activities to ESOL, clothes and casework (OISC1/Social Work), to [...]
The Boaz Trust is a Manchester based charity committed to ending destitution amongst refugees and asylum seekers who have become homeless through the asylum process. We provide accommodation alongside practical and pastoral support in the [...]
Birmingham Community Hosting Network (BIRCH) aims to relieve the destitution of asylum seekers whose Home Office support and accommodation has been cut off. We have a growing network of volunteer community hosts who provide short [...]
Voices in Exile work with refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants with no recourse to public funds in East and West Sussex and Surrey. We offer practical and legal support including generalist advice and specialist immigration [...]
Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) extends solidarity to people seeking asylum and experiencing destitution through accommodation and creative community involvement. BHN provides full board accommodation in host households or in its large house for men in [...]