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Comment | Response to Home Office plans to expand immigration enforcement and returns activity

Today (August 21st) the Home Office has announced plans for a major new drive in immigration enforcement and returns activity, which it says will significantly increase the number of removals of people with a 'failed asylum claim'. NACCOM's response is below; “Instead of prioritising enforcement, detention and removals, it’s vital that the Government creates an asylum system that treats people fairly and humanely, by ensuring they can access justice through quality legal advice, processing claims in a timely and orderly way and, crucially, supporting people at each stage of the asylum process to understand and fully explore their options." [...]

21 August 2024|

Together with Refugees | Joint statement in response to the anti-migrant riots

More than 200 refugee charities 'stand together' in joint response to anti-migrant violence. Today (6th August 2024) over 240 charities who work with refugee and asylum seekers, including those who represent faith communities, have signed a statement condemning the violent anti-migrant attacks that have been taking place around the country. NACCOM joins signatories from national, local and grass roots organisations across the UK, including Asylum Matters, City of Sanctuary, Choose Love, Freedom from Torture, Human Rights Watch, Rainbow Migration, Refugee Action, Refugee Council, Safe Passage International, Scottish Refugee Council, Shelter, Welsh Refugee Council, Crisis, Doctors of the World UK and [...]

13 August 2024|

Policy briefing | Homeless Link and NACCOM share new migrant homelessness briefing

Homeless Link and NACCOM have published a new policy briefing exploring the key drivers of, and potential solutions to, homelessness amongst migrants. The briefing outlines the key drivers of migrant homelessness and what policies the new Government should implement to create a society with a home for everyone. It is supported by over 70 organisations working in the fields of homelessness, housing, and migrants’ rights, from local grassroots charities to leading national organisations including Criss, Shelter, the Refugee Council, and Refugee Action. Homeless Link and NACCOM have written to the new Minister for Border Security and Asylum Anglea Eagle, sharing [...]

6 August 2024|

Blog | We have a new Government – so what now?

NACCOM welcomes the new ministerial teams getting to work this week at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Home Office (HO) – led by Secretaries of State Angela Raynor (also Deputy Prime Minister) and Yvette Copper respectively – and we look forward to representing our frontline network and working meaningfully with the new Government, as well as cross-party groups, to end destitution in the asylum and immigration system across the UK. Together, these two departments hold the key to ensuring that people going through the asylum system, and in the wider immigration system, aren’t driven [...]

9 July 2024|

What we do

NACCOM is a network of over 140 organisations and individuals that provides safe, temporary accommodation and support to people experiencing destitution in the UK asylum and immigration system.

people accommodated across the network during 2021-2022
Nights of accommodation provided by our members during the past year (estimate)
people were rough sleeping or in informal/insecure accommodation before being accommodated by the network
people received financial support from members during the past year
staff and volunteers delivering support across the network during the past year (minimum)
people were turned away because of a lack of accommodation

of people who were referred to or made enquiries to member organisations this year (600/735 people) were facing street homelessness

nights of accommodation provided across the year (estimated)
people were provided with financial support (but not accommodated)

NACCOM is the UK-wide
No Accommodation Network

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