

Closing the gap – NACCOM’s response to the NAO’s inquiry into Universal Credit; getting to the first payment

11 February 2020|Reports and research, Campaigns|

NACCOM has submitted evidence to the National Audit Office's inquiry into Universal Credit, and the five-week wait to receive the first payment. Jessie Seal, our Campaigns and Policy Coordinator, explains why it's vital that the [...]

New research by Women for Refugee Women shines a spotlight on the experiences of destitute women seeking asylum

11 February 2020|Reports and research, Campaigns, Conferences, News, Resources|

The charity Women for Refugee Women has released some important new research looking into the experiences of asylum-seeking women in the UK. The new report, Will I ever be safe? Asylum-seeking women made destitute in [...]

New research suggests that women-specific hosting could help women facing impossible choices

28 January 2020|News, Resources|

NACCOM member Commonweal Housing  has released new research that looks at the impact of hosting women experiencing homelessness. The research, which is presented in a report entitled Hosting Her, highlights some of the benefits of [...]

Ending Migrant Homelessness Conference – NACCOM, CRISIS and Homes for Cathy host one-day event to explore solutions to migrant homelessness

9 January 2020|Conferences, News|

NACCOM, CRISIS and the Homes for Cathy group of Housing Associations are hosting a conference looking at Ending Migrant Homelessness. Image courtesy of CRISIS. This one-day event will bring together Housing Associations, charities [...]

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