To deliver our plan to #EndDestitution, the four key changes (strategic goals) we will seek to implement are:
1. The root causes and human impact of destitution and solutions to end destitution are better understood.
2. People with lived experience play a core and equitable role in highlighting the human impact of destitution and creating and sharing the solutions to destitution promoted by NACCOM.
3. More policies and practice exist to support the end to destitution.
4. More and better services exist to support people out of immediate destitution and provide long-term pathways out of destitution.
How will we do this:
1. Working with those that know best: We will ensure people with lived experience play a core and equitable role in creating and sharing the solutions to ending destitution promoted by NACCOM.
2. Being evidence-led: We will use the evidence from our members and our work with people with lived experience to push for policies and practice to prevent and support the end to homelessness and destitution.
3. Thinking local; influencing national: We will take a more localised approach to support members where they are and where they could be to design out destitution and influence change locally, regionally and nationally.
4. Building strategic partnerships: We will build more strategic partnerships across different sectors, making the most of our unique place sitting across the migration, asylum, welfare rights, homelessness and faith sectors and the ability we have to gather and present evidence on the experiences of member organisations and people with lived experience where these sectors meet.
5. Making sure our house is in order: We will ensure NACCOM is a well-run, well-resourced, strategic organisation that is meeting the changing needs of our network, for example through implementing the learning from our Design Lab research with members.
6. Modelling the way we want to see the world: Operating in a way that is demonstrable to our values that is transparent, inclusive, anti-racist and promotes well-being. This will include a refresh of our values to turn them into behaviours we can use to hold ourselves to account.