Since 2013, NACCOM has gathered data from our members through our Annual Survey, which enables us to track the scale and impact of destitution in the asylum and immigration system.
The 2024 Annual Survey will go live on Monday 10th June, with a deadline of 17:00 on Friday 12th July. It will be open to both Full Members (who provide accommodation) and Associate Members (who provide other support services).
This comprehensive data helps us to better understand and evidence the type of accommodation and support our members are providing across the UK, who the NACCOM network is supporting and what their needs are, and how frontline responses to destitution are evolving each year.
The information we gather underpins our advocacy and policy work, helping us to shape campaigns that will push for change to the policies that cause destitution.
The data has also been cited extensively in key policy and advocacy work in the past twelve-months. The main findings from last year’s survey were presented in our Impact Report and Annual Survey data briefing, and shared as evidence in various government consultations and submissions, including:
- The joint APPG on Poverty and APPG on Migration inquiry into ‘The Effects of UK Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Policy on Poverty’
- The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) ‘Consultation on reforms to social housing allocations’
- The Ministry of Justice ‘Review of Civil Legal Aid’
Data from our Annual Survey was also cited in various research reports, including our Refused report, in a report recently published by the Centre for Homelessness Impact.
Insight from our 2023 Annual Survey featured extensively in our national advocacy and media work on the move-on period and the increase in refugee homelessness.
As we look towards the upcoming election, the data collected in this year’s survey will likewise be pivotal to help us make the case for any future government to end homelessness and destitution for all.
What does the survey look like:
In our survey we ask members to report the type and amount of accommodation, and other types of support they provide. The survey also contains questions on some key focus areas, including move-on and the outcomes of members’ accommodation work, and the scale and scope of legal advice services provided across the network.
Survey changes this year:
We have made some minor changes to the survey to account for changing need across the network in the past twelve-months, including the different cohorts affected by homelessness and destitution due to policy changes, and the adaptations made by members in order to meet local demand.
This year we have also refined the way we ask members to report on the outcomes of their accommodation services and advice work. Political change may create new opportunities locally, and we hope that having more robust data on outcomes and move-on will give us, collectively, the evidence needed to advocate for the vital services in the network, and the transformative impact they can have on both communities and individuals.
How can I use/access the data from the NACCOM Annual Survey?
The headline data from the 2024 Annual Survey will be published in our annual Impact Report later this year at our AGM in November, alongside a separate data bulletin, both of which are fully public and will be available to download from our website. For enquiries about accessing the full data set please contact [email protected].
How can my organisation take part in the Annual Survey?
The survey is for NACCOM members only. If you are a NACCOM member you should have been sent an email directly with all the relevant information. Please contact [email protected] if you have not already received your survey, or if you require any support in completing the survey.
You will receive a copy of the information your organisation has submitted, and we would be happy to share information from previous annual surveys with you, if that is useful to you.
The deadline for the survey is Friday 12th July and we do hope you are able to get involved. Please let Leon know if you have any thoughts about this process or would like to arrange a phone call to discuss the survey in more detail.