
Sanctuary Hosting

Sanctuary Hosting (formerly Host Oxford) is a project which matches destitute sanctuary seekers to those people with spare rooms and open hearts in the community who are prepared to allow someone to stay with them rent free for a pre-defined period of time. Email:  [email protected] Website: Social Media: Facebook

28 April 2016|

One Roof Leicester

One Roof is a consortium of independent faith, community and voluntary sector organisations. We provide support and accommodation to the homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and the destitute in Leicester. Phone: 0116 44 22 007 Website Social Media: Twitter | Facebook

28 April 2016|

Open Door North East

Open Door North East provides accommodation for destitute asylum seekers through our housing scheme. We provide accommodation for refugees, having a mixture of family houses as well as shared houses. We provide supporting services including drop-in sessions for asylum seekers to access support, advice and guidance. We assist refugees to access mainstream benefits and employment. We are able to offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities across the charity. Contact: Anna Lewis Office: 01642 213 634 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook / Twitter  

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Refugees At Home

Refugees at Home is the UK's largest independent hosting charity which connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and people seeking asylum who are in need of somewhere to stay. We want to support a society where everyone looking to rebuild their lives in the UK can do so in safety and without the risk of homelessness. Email: [email protected] Website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter      

28 April 2016|

Upbeat Communities

Upbeat Communities exists to help refugees settle and rebuild their lives. We want to see strangers become neighbours. We offer befriending, English classes, community building activities, enterprise and employment training, and run a hosting scheme. We also deliver refugee resettlement contracts on behalf of a number of local authorities Contact: Einir Cooper Phone: 07595231342 Email: [email protected] Website / Twitter / Facebook 

28 April 2016|
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