On World Homelessness Day 2024, our External Affairs Manager, Hannah Gurnham, reflects on the work we’re doing to bring an end to homelessness amongst people in the asylum and immigration system.

“At a time when levels of destitution and deep poverty in the UK are rising across the board, and when migrants, and particularly new refugees, are being increasingly put at risk of homelessness and rough sleeping due to a wide, but mainly preventable range of factors, World Homelessness Day provides a sober reminder of the scale of the challenge when it comes to ending homelessness for good, for everyone.  

As a network, our focus has always been to highlight, evidence and build support for solutions and good practice that will dismantle and overcome the multiple barriers that people going through the asylum and immigration system face, that drive thousands needlessly into destitution and homelessness every year, often as a direct result of their immigration status. 

Our Refused? report of last year provided a powerful insight into why ending homelessness in the asylum and immigration system is so vital, as well as timely. The mental and physical health impacts, including trauma and anxiety, hardship and marginalisation experienced by those who have been pushed into homelessness and destitution after a refusal on their asylum claim is a stark reminder of the consequences of poor and unjust decision-making.  

Whilst the new Government’s pledge to cut the asylum backlog and reform the asylum system is a much-needed endeavor, without addressing the root causes of migrant homelessness – many of which originate in the asylum and immigration system – we will see more injustice, and more homelessness as a result.   

NACCOM’s work with partners in this area, including Homeless Link, and our amazing group of volunteers the Community Researchers, gives us hope that collective, evidence-led action can achieve real and lasting change. As does the solidarity, innovation and resilience that we see everyday in the NACCOM network, through the vital work of our frontline members. In spite of the challenges that lie ahead, on this World Homelessness Day, we can draw strength from that.”