

Member Spotlight: One Roof Leicester on their winter night shelter: ‘One of the most rewarding parts is seeing the transformation in the guests’

11 March 2019|Campaigns, News, Project news|

Salma Ravat is the manager of One Roof Leicester (ORL), a NACCOM member in the Midlands working to reduce homelessness in their local community. One Roof runs a winter night shelter alongside a year-round housing [...]

Pioneering housing project helping migrants out of destitution (guest blog by Commonweal Housing and Praxis)

18 February 2019|News, Project news|

A housing project is helping migrants out of destitution by using an innovative model of funding and support. Run by Praxis Community Projects, in partnership with Commonweal Housing, the London-based project has been providing migrant [...]

(Asylum) Seeking Work- Extracts from a guest blog by Hadrian Holloway (Housing Justice & Migrateful)

20 February 2019|Campaigns, News, Project news|

Imagine... You came here because you had no choice. It cost you your country, your home, your dignity, your freedom, your family, your friends, your job, your baby. The UK government says you cannot work. [...]

Calling frontline asylum organisations! New programme from Refugee Action

15 February 2019|News, Project news, Resources|

Refugee Action’s Asylum Guide Network is growing across the UK. With programmes in Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, Refugee Action are looking for 15 further organisations to join and offer Asylum Guides within their services. Read [...]

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