NACCOM is excited to launch our new Strategy for 2022 – 2026.
NACCOM is the No Accommodation Network, a network of over 135 member organisations across the UK dedicated to ending destitution amongst refugees, people seeking asylum or who have been refused asylum and migrants with no recourse to public funds (NRPF). It was set up in 2006 bringing together a number of organisations to meet, share ideas and solutions on how to provide accommodation for people seeking asylum who were facing destitution.
In 2022 we employ eight (soon to be nine) staff and work across the whole of the UK supporting our members. In 2017, NACCOM produced its first strategy and theory of change. For the past five years it has directed the network to achieve significant impact for people seeking asylum, refugees, and migrants with NRPF through four strategic goals.
The network has increased the reach and strength of its accommodation provision for destitute people in the asylum and immigration system, and advocated for changes to government policy and practice that improved their access to housing and financial support. In 2020 NACCOM began a process of strategic review through to a strategy development phase that concluded in early 2022 and we are very grateful to members, volunteers, partners, people with lived experience, staff and trustees for their time and effort in attending meetings and workshops, reviewing draft strategies and theories of change along the way.