NACCOM will hold its 8th National Conference, “Working for a Better Asylum Future”, on Friday September 11th in Derby.

The NACCOM Conference empowers organisations to tackle destitution amongst asylum seekers through innovative housing options and other services. This is the eighth national conference. Since its inception in 2006 NACCOM has grown from three to 31 member groups across the UK, now accommodating over 580 asylum seekers and refugees.

This year NACCOM has launched as a national charity. Come and hear our exciting plans for the future! Plus 8 workshops to choose from and great networking opportunities over a delicious lunch!

Lunch and refreshments included.


10-10.30         Registration & Refreshments
10.30              Welcome
10.35              NACCOM Update
10.50              Report: Homelessness and Destitution amongst
migrants from non-EU countries

11.05            Models of Accommodation for people with no
recourse to public funds
11.20              Asylum Update
11.35              Q & A
11.45              Refreshment break
12.00              Workshops  – choice of four tbc

13.00              Lunch and  Network Zone

14.00              Asylum Stories
14.30              Workshops – choice of four tbc
15.30              Evaluation  and What’s Next?
16.00              End of Conference

Tickets: £10 waged, free to unwaged and contributors, available from Eventbrite at