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WYDAN operate a winter night shelter for destitute asylums seekers in the Leeds area, providing befriending, signposting and a weekly financial allowance to those housed there. Contact: Katrina Burton Phone: 07928 006 438 Email: [email protected] Website

19 December 2017|

Jesuit Refugee Service UK

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation, at work in over 50 countries around the world with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate on behalf of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons. JRS has been established in the UK for over 20 years, and its work here focuses on showing hospitality to, and supporting the needs of, destitute asylum seekers and people in detention. Activities include a day centre, hosting programme, detention outreach and advocacy work. Contact: Amy-Leigh Hatton Phone: 0207 488 7310 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook.

19 December 2017|

Sharedydd (Cardiff)

Housing Justice Cymru runs a Wales-wide Hosting project for people with fragile immigration status. ShareDydd is a hosting project run by Housing Justice Cymru in Cardiff and Newport. It works in partnership with local organisations. Housing Justice Cymru works with Welsh Government in their commitment to becoming a Nation of Sanctuary. Contact: Romy Wood Email: [email protected] Website: www.sharedydd.org Social Media: Twitter // Facebook Please note the pin on the map does not accurately reflect the location of the project.

21 November 2017|

Hope at Home

Hope at Home is a UK-wide charity fighting the cycle of modern day slavery and human trafficking, preventing re-trafficking and survivor homelessness by equipping people to host survivors in their homes and facilitating adult to adult voluntary living arrangements between hosts and survivors. Without this stable home, many survivors would be destitute and extremely vulnerable. We aim to give every survivor the opportunity to lead healthy, resilient, independent lives and become useful members of society. We train hosts, raising their awareness about modern day slavery and equipping them to set boundaries and welcome a vulnerable person into their home. Every [...]

7 November 2017|

C4WS Homeless Project

C4WS runs a winter night shelter from November to the end of March every year. We do not accept self referrals, but you can visit one of our partners who will take you through the processes of applying for a space based on suitability and availability. Please find details of where to go on the I AM HOMELESS page on our website. We also run a hosting scheme, which is only open to guests who have stayed with us at our winter night shelter. Website

20 July 2017|

Coventry Migrant Women House

Coventry Migrant Women House is an accommodation service for forced migrant women without any source of income in the Midlands. The project has been established since 2016 and works closely with other NACCOM Members in the area. Email: [email protected] Website

23 August 2017|

Thousand 4 £1000

Thousand 4 £1000 CIO is a discrete offshoot of Brighton Migrant Solidarity (BMS being focused mainly on campaigning). We are the only organisation in the Brighton area providing housing support to destitute migrants who are not allowed to work or have no recourse to public funds. We take referrals directly from organisations such as Brighton Voices in Exile. In addition to accommodation, we also provide financial, practical and emotional support to locally based migrants. Contact: Jenny Priestman Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook  

31 March 2017|

Abigail Housing

Abigail Housing is a West-Yorkshire based charitable company dedicated to providing support and homes to refugees and asylum seekers who find themselves destitute on our streets. This includes those who have been refused asylum but cannot reasonably return to their country of origin (our Destitution Project in Bradford) and those given refugee status who have to leave their Home Office housing (our Refugee Project in Leeds). Contact: Amanda Church-McFarlane Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Action Foundation

Action Foundation is the only organisation in Tyne and Wear specifically set up to provide supported accommodation for destitute asylum seekers who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF).  We lease properties from private landlords and sublet them free of charge to vulnerable asylum seekers with NRPF. We also run a hosting scheme matching vulnerable asylum seekers with people whom we have recruited and trained to provide a room in their home. We also provide supported, private rented accommodation to new refugees in Tyne and Wear who become homeless following their positive asylum decision. We currently operate in Newcastle, Gateshead, [...]

28 April 2016|

Nottingham Arimathea Trust

Nottingham Arimathea Trust provide housing and support to vulnerable Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Victims of Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking and other vulnerable migrants in Nottingham and Derby.  Alongside accommodation we ensure individuals can access adequate legal representation so they can work toward submitting fresh claims for asylum and, from there, access Asylum Support housing or long term independent accommodation (for refugees). We also provide advocacy support, volunteering opportunities, training, English classes and cultural celebrations. Contact: Amy Ager Phone: 07842 574 741 Email: [email protected] Website  

28 April 2016|

ASSIST Sheffield

  Since 2003, ASSIST Sheffield has provided accommodation, bespoke casework service and welfare payments to people forced into destitution by the asylum system. Offering a period of relative stability from which clients can begin to rebuild their lives and pursue their legal rights, ASSIST fosters an atmosphere of welcome in Sheffield, and works to challenge the policies of destitution and the hostile environment. Phone: 0300 201 0072 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Asylum Link Merseyside

  Asylum Link Merseyside provides a drop-in Service for Asylum Seekers and Refugees, offering welcome and friendship. A broad range of services from tea/coffee/meals and social activities to ESOL, clothes and casework (OISC1/Social Work), to housing and food for the destitute. Contact: Ewan Roberts Telephone: 01517 091 713 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook 

26 April 2016|

Boaz Trust

The Boaz Trust is a Manchester based charity committed to ending destitution amongst refugees and asylum seekers who have become homeless through the asylum process. We provide accommodation alongside practical and pastoral support in the Greater Manchester area. Boaz was established in 2004 to see an end to destitution for people seeking sanctuary in the UK. We provided shared accommodation and specialist one to one support for people who have become homeless due to their insecure, unclear or recently changed immigration status. This includes people with refugee status and people who have had their asylum claim refused as well as [...]

28 April 2016|

Birmingham Community Hosting Network

Birmingham Community Hosting Network (BIRCH) aims to relieve the destitution of asylum seekers whose Home Office support and accommodation has been cut off. We have a growing network of volunteer community hosts who provide short term accommodation to those who are destitute and have nowhere to go. Contact: Stephanie Neville Phone: 07395 483 951 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Bristol Hospitality Network

Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) extends solidarity to people seeking asylum and experiencing destitution through accommodation and creative community involvement. BHN provides full board accommodation in host households or in its large house for men in Bristol, as well as community volunteering opportunities and social enterprise in solidarity with both male and female asylum seekers experiencing destitution. BHN also offers a weekly welcome centre for over 100 asylum seekers and refugees and a solidarity fund for those with no other money. Contact: Mijanou Blech Phone: 07734 347 817 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre offers advice and support, access to employment, education, training, basic life skills and volunteering, alongside an in-house supported housing scheme. The Coventry Destitution Fund offers practical help to people suffering extreme hardship, including food, clothes, night shelter and travel. Phone: 02476 227 254 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Immigration and Asylum Support Kirklees

Immigration and Asylum Support Kirklees (formerly DASH - Destitute Asylum Seekers Huddersfield) provides support to asylum seekers including case work and helping prepare appeal applications, immigration advice, welfare support, volunteer mentor and integration projects, outreach and housing projects. Contact: Jane Fowden Phone: 07716 799 221 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Fatima House

Fatima House Fatima House project is a partnership between different organisations of the Catholic Church in Birmingham which provides free of charge temporary accommodation to destitute asylum seeker women. We receive referrals only from organisations which have signed a memorandum of understanding with Fatima House. Contact: Mauricio Silva Phone:  01217 730 504 Email:  [email protected] Website    

28 April 2016|


Home4U is a volunteer-run, Registered Charity based in Cardiff offering accommodation to a small number of asylum seekers who are destitute. It works closely with Space4U, a separate Charity which is a Drop-in Centre with a variety of services for people who are asylum seekers and refugees and also prioritises support for those who are destitute.  Contact: Renee Bolton Phone: 07878 173 681 Email: [email protected] Website /Facebook

28 April 2016|

Hope Projects (West Midlands)

Hope Projects challenges flawed refusals of asylum. Working with a network of partner charities across Birmingham, Coventry and the Black Country we provide housing, financial support and legal advice and representation along with peer support activities. Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN)

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN) works with refugees and asylum seekers living in Leeds, offering befriending and support to learn English.  The Grace Hosting project links local volunteers with a spare room with asylum seekers and refugees who have nowhere to stay. Contact: Jo Carter Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Housing Justice

Housing Justice train and support night shelters, run a pan-London hosting scheme for asylum seekers and forced migrants, and provide mentoring and befriending training and support. Contact: Jenna Roberts Phone: 07936 915 983 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Giuseppe Conlon House

Giuseppe Conlon House Giuseppe Conlon House (formerly London Catholic Worker) provide short term accommodation in a community house. We are not able to provide emergency shelter. Phone: 0208 348 8212 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Depaul UK

Depaul UK provides emergency accommodation to homeless clients, including those who are destitute, in the homes of approved and trained volunteers. The scheme is open to anyone over the age of 16. Clients are risk assessed on an individual basis and access accommodation on a night by night basis. The service is available on a short term basis only, but can provide much needed respite for destitute clients. Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Open Door North East

Open Door North East provides accommodation for destitute asylum seekers through our housing scheme. We provide accommodation for refugees, having a mixture of family houses as well as shared houses. We provide supporting services including drop-in sessions for asylum seekers to access support, advice and guidance. We assist refugees to access mainstream benefits and employment. We are able to offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities across the charity. Office: 01642 213 634 Email:[email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

Open Doors Project (Hull)

Open Doors works with asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants, enabling them to integrate into the local society.  We offer a range of services including accommodation, drop-in service, befriending, interpreting, food parcels, hardship funds, employment support basic English classes, Sport/social/music activities, Social and Health wellbeing Service and IT basic lessons and IT facilities. Contact: Cecil Jones Phone: 07986 314 490 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook

28 April 2016|

The Night Shelter Coventry

The Night Shelter provides emergency bed spaces to migrants and refugees with No Recourse to Public Funds. A hot evening meal, breakfast, storage for bags, and access to washing facilities are provided, and it provides quick access crisis support while people work on longer term solutions. Pin does not accurately reflect the location of this project. Phone: 07443 428 916 Email: [email protected]

28 April 2016|
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