Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum provides support to refugees and asylum seekers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. We believe everyone deserves a chance to feel safe and live with dignity. We provide a welcoming community space and offer specialised advice and support to families and individuals who seek asylum or live as refugees. We run several projects such as our Community Café and Community Garden, and our specialist advice team provides support on a variety of issues including housing for refused asylum seekers, support for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers, those who are in initial accommodation or newly dispersed. Phone: 0115 960 1230 Email: [...]
Ark of Hope Foundation
Contact: [email protected] Website
Severn Angels Housing & Support
We provide accommodation and support to refugees, mothers fleeing domestic violence, care leavers, asylum seekers and vulnerable women from 16 years over. Severn Angels supports homeless people with either psychological support, counselling, support with applying for benefits, applying for housing and a wide range of services. Our goal is to equip individuals and young people leaving care with the skills that will allow them to live independently and find a job they can earn a living from. This support comes in different forms, from providing supported housing where the individuals can live and be supported emotionally and also get help, [...]
Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope is a full member of NACCOM supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation who have the added complication of complex immigration issues. We support asylum seekers, refugees and those on spouse and family reunion visas. We provide befriending and sign posting to other agencies as well as well-being activities and a weekly SafeSpace meeting. We also have a Safe House, Avan House, offering temporary accommodation to women with no recourse to public funds. This house of hospitality has a part-time live-in host as well as other volunteers who provide emotional and practical support [...]
Second City Housing
Second City Housing Ltd was set up in 2016 to provide accommodation and support to individuals who are at risk of homelessness. Their main aim is to deliver holistic housing services to maximize tenancy sustainability and assist individuals on a pathway into employment, training & advice. The ethos of Second City Housing is to work with those most in need of housing, providing a robust service, enabling their customers to lead independent living. Second City Housing offers: Shared accommodation Self-Contained Houses in Multiple occupation (HMO) Independent living Website: Email: [email protected] Social media: Twitter / Facebook
Migration Foundation (Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing)
Migration Foundation The Migration Foundation has a 1 x 10 bedroom house in Derby, East Midlands for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds. The property belongs to Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, with the service fully funded by the Migration Foundation (a restricted fund of MTVH). We take referrals from local charities and take a holistic approach to support our clients. We offer small hardship grants, receive food donations from local businesses, support residents who want to volunteer or access employment, and offer opportunities for clients to socialise, play sports, etc. Most clients already have legal [...]
Father Hudson’s Care
Name: Joanne Watters Email: [email protected] Website Social media: Twitter / Facebook
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary is a voluntary community of people who are asylum seekers, refugees and UK nationals. It is volunteer led and its main aim is to create a culture of welcome where people can rebuild their lives when they arrive in Wolverhampton. We support asylum seekers in Wolverhampton and educate the public about the issues they face. We operate a fund which can provide subsistence, emergency accommodation and other help to homeless and destitute asylum seekers in the area, and a weekly drop-in where people are welcomed and signposted to appropriate sources of help. Contact: George Reiss Phone: [...]
Coventry Migrant Women House
Coventry Migrant Women House is an accommodation service for forced migrant women without any source of income in the Midlands. The project has been established since 2016 and works closely with other NACCOM Members in the area. Email: [email protected] Website
Birmingham Community Hosting Network
Birmingham Community Hosting Network (BIRCH) aims to relieve the destitution of asylum seekers whose Home Office support and accommodation has been cut off. We have a growing network of volunteer community hosts who provide short term accommodation to those who are destitute and have nowhere to go. Contact: Stephanie Neville Phone: 07395 483 951 Email: [email protected] Website
Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre
Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre offers advice and support, access to employment, education, training, basic life skills and volunteering, alongside an in-house supported housing scheme. The Coventry Destitution Fund offers practical help to people suffering extreme hardship, including food, clothes, night shelter and travel. Phone: 02476 227 254 Email: [email protected] Website
Fatima House
Fatima House Fatima House project is a partnership between different organisations of the Catholic Church in Birmingham which provides free of charge temporary accommodation to destitute asylum seeker women. We receive referrals only from organisations which have signed a memorandum of understanding with Fatima House. Contact: Mauricio Silva Phone: 01217 730 504 Email: [email protected] Website
Hope Projects (West Midlands)
Hope Projects challenges flawed refusals of asylum. Working with a network of partner charities across Birmingham, Coventry and the Black Country we provide housing, financial support and legal advice and representation along with peer support activities. Email: [email protected] Website
One Roof Leicester
One Roof is a consortium of independent faith, community and voluntary sector organisations. We provide support and accommodation to the homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and the destitute in Leicester. Phone: 0116 44 22 007 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook
The Night Shelter Coventry
The Night Shelter provides emergency bed spaces to migrants and refugees with No Recourse to Public Funds. A hot evening meal, breakfast, storage for bags, and access to washing facilities are provided, and it provides quick access crisis support while people work on longer term solutions. Pin does not accurately reflect the location of this project. Phone: 07443 428 916 Email: [email protected]
Sanctus St Marks
Sanctus is a support group for refugees and people who are seeking asylum in the UK. We aim to walk alongside people who find their way to us, from all around the world, in a non-judgemental and safe environment. Contact: Sally Smith Phone: 01782 266066 Email: [email protected] Website:
Upbeat Communities
Upbeat Communities exists to help refugees settle and rebuild their lives. We want to see strangers become neighbours. We offer befriending, English classes, community building activities, enterprise and employment training, and run a hosting scheme. We also deliver refugee resettlement contracts on behalf of a number of local authorities. Phone: 01332 916 150 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook