Reports and research

New report | “Treat Us Like Humans” – exploring the lived experience of the asylum system

2025-01-15T11:46:18+00:0015 January 2025|Reports and research, News|

One of the key features of strong communities is the ability to welcome newcomers – but what is it like for refugees settling in communities in UK for the first time? Together with the [...]

Launching our new Annual Survey data briefing 2024 | ‘Understanding destitution and homelessness in the asylum and immigration system’

2024-11-15T08:32:27+00:0014 November 2024|Reports and research, News|

NACCOM’s latest Annual Survey data reveals that destitution and homelessness in migrant and refugee communities are on the rise in the UK, with thousands of people in the asylum and wider immigration [...]

Tracking the scale and impact of destitution | Launching our Annual Survey data 2023

2023-11-16T14:53:34+00:009 November 2023|Reports and research, News|

NACCOM’s latest Annual Survey data reveals thousands of people in the asylum and immigration system experienced destitution and homelessness last year. Latest figures from NACCOM show that 3,724 people were accommodated by the [...]

New briefing on destitution in the asylum and immigration system – ‘NACCOM’s Annual Survey Data 2022’

2022-12-13T14:19:18+00:0013 December 2022|Reports and research, Campaigns, News, Resources|

New briefing - NACCOM's Annual Survey Data 2022 We're pleased to publish a new briefing on levels and experiences of destitution in the asylum and immigration system, based on the findings of NACCOM's [...]

New Homeless Link and NACCOM report | Unlocking the door: A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England

2022-07-05T13:23:14+01:005 July 2022|Reports and research, News|

NACCOM is pleased to have contributed to a new report by Homeless Link – Unlocking the door: A roadmap for supporting non-UK nationals facing homelessness in England – that explores support options and pathways out [...]

How we’re evidencing destitution | Launching our 2022 Annual Members’ Survey

2022-06-23T14:02:02+01:0023 June 2022|Reports and research, Blog, News|

Since 2013, NACCOM has gathered data from our members through our Annual Members’ Survey, which enables us to track the scale and impact of destitution in the asylum and immigration system.   This comprehensive data helps [...]

NACCOM Community Research Programme: One Year Review – key learning and recommendations

2022-06-22T15:25:09+01:0020 June 2022|Reports and research, Blog, News|

NACCOM’s Community Research Programme was established in March 2021 to provide a space for people with lived experience of immigration control to research, analyse and present solutions to destitution in our communities.  Community [...]

New research shows ‘legal advice deserts’ are driving people into destitution and homelessness

2022-06-09T16:33:04+01:009 June 2022|Reports and research, News|

Important new research commissioned by Refugee Action and undertaken by Dr Jo Wilding reveals ‘legal advice deserts’ that are preventing access to justice and causing other wide-ranging negative impacts for people seeking asylum, refugees [...]

New briefing on homelessness amongst non-UK nationals | by Homeless Link

2022-01-13T16:08:08+00:0013 January 2022|Reports and research, News|

Homeless Link has published a new policy briefing paper on barriers and pathways to homelessness support for non-UK nationals who are prevented from accessing state-funded support. The briefing explores how the Government's Everyone [...]

Joint blog with Homeless Link | Community Researchers share their experiences of accessing homelessness support

2021-11-25T16:41:39+00:0023 November 2021|Reports and research, Blog, News|

NACCOM’s Community Researcher group has been working with Homeless Link to explore experiences of accessing support from Local Authorities throughout the pandemic. In this blog, we discuss early reflections from our research and calls [...]

‘Destitution in the UK’ – new research by Joseph Roundtree Foundation shows alarming rise in destitution levels, with migrants disproportionately affected

2020-12-09T10:49:36+00:009 December 2020|Reports and research, News|

The Joseph Roundtree Foundation (JRF) has released its third 'Destitution in the UK' report, which reveals an alarming rise in levels of destitution experienced by people living in the UK. The 2020 report, based on [...]

‘Locked into Poverty’ – new research on asylum support rates and poverty in the UK asylum system

2020-11-06T12:20:03+00:006 November 2020|Reports and research, Campaigns, News|

The charity Asylum Matters has published a report - ‘Locked into Poverty – life on asylum support’ - which reveals a picture of poverty, exclusion and hardship for people seeking asylum wholly reliant on Government support [...]

New British Red Cross report shows the cost benefit of extending the 28-day move-on period – but we must still champion the moral case too, writes Jessie Seal, NACCOM’s Policy and Campaigns Coordinator

2020-02-20T23:19:02+00:0020 February 2020|Reports and research, Blog, Campaigns, News|

New cost-benefit analysis shows that extending the refugee move-on period would save public money – but we must not lose sight of the moral case for changing a policy that leaves people ‘destitute by design’, [...]

Closing the gap – NACCOM’s response to the NAO’s inquiry into Universal Credit; getting to the first payment

2020-02-11T16:33:44+00:0011 February 2020|Reports and research, Campaigns|

NACCOM has submitted evidence to the National Audit Office's inquiry into Universal Credit, and the five-week wait to receive the first payment. Jessie Seal, our Campaigns and Policy Coordinator, explains why it's vital that the [...]

New research by Women for Refugee Women shines a spotlight on the experiences of destitute women seeking asylum

2020-02-11T12:24:48+00:0011 February 2020|Reports and research, Campaigns, Conferences, News, Resources|

The charity Women for Refugee Women has released some important new research looking into the experiences of asylum-seeking women in the UK. The new report, Will I ever be safe? Asylum-seeking women made destitute in [...]

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