NACCOM welcomes the new ministerial teams getting to work this week at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) and the Home Office (HO) – led by Secretaries of State Angela Raynor (also Deputy Prime Minister) and Yvette Copper respectively – and we look forward to representing our frontline network and working meaningfully with the new Government, as well as cross-party groups, to end destitution in the asylum and immigration system across the UK.

Together, these two departments hold the key to ensuring that people going through the asylum system, and in the wider immigration system, aren’t driven into homelessness and destitution because of their immigration status, or denied support to enable them to move forward and rebuild their lives. As the rise in homelessness amongst migrant communities in recent months and years shows, without greater cross-departmental collaboration, and a concerted effort to address harmful immigration policies within the context of homelessness, we will continue to see migrants needlessly forced into hardship and destitution.

Whilst we have some indication about the priorities of the new Government in relation to immigration and asylum, further announcements are expected on key policy areas as the new Government assumes office. You can read about what the Labour Party (and other main parties) proposed on key issues relating to migration and homelessness in their manifestos, as well as our analysis of the policy offers.