In February 2021 we launched our Data Project, a three-phase project funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation with the aim of helping NACCOM members to improve their data capture systems, increase their data confidence and capability, and develop new influencing opportunities. 

We know that the data collected by frontline services working to end migrant destitution and homelessness can be a valuable tool for tracking the impact of policies and influencing decision-makers to make positive change at both a regional and national level.  

Since the start of the data project, we have seen the benefits that collecting reliable, robust data can bring to frontline organisations. However, whether members strive to use their data to develop and deliver better services, or to make the argument for lasting change, we have also learnt that member organisations often have very different approaches to  collecting and managing data, and likewise face diverse challenges in doing so.  

A summary of the three phases of the project can be found below. To wrap up the project, NACCOM is pleased to launch three new resources: 

  • NACCOM Accommodation Tracker for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets 
  • Members’ CRM Slack Channel 
  • Members’ Data Systems Resource Folder  

More information and links to these resources can be found later in this blog.  

What was the Data Project?