
(BIRCH) Network

BIRCH runs a hosting network aiming to relieve the destitution of asylum seekers whose Home Office support and accommodation has been cut off. We have a growing network of volunteer community hosts who provide short term accommodation to those who are destitute and have nowhere to go. Contact: Stephanie Neville Email: [email protected] Phone: 07395 483951 Website

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Bristol Hospitality Network

Bristol Hospitality Network (BHN) extends solidarity to people seeking asylum and experiencing destitution through accommodation and creative community involvement.  BHN provides full board accommodation in host households or in its large house for men in Bristol and community volunteering opportunities and social enterprise in solidarity with both male and female asylum seekers experiencing destitution.  BHN also offers a weekly welcome centre for over 100 asylum seekers and refugees and a solidarity fund for those with no other money. Contact: Laura Chester Phone: 07544 971885 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook / Twitter 

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Communities and Sanctuary Seekers Together (CAST)

Communities and Sanctuary Seekers Together (CAST) is a Southend-based community group, committed to bring an end to destitution amongst asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants with no recourse to public funding (NRPF) living in Southend. The organisation is made up of asylum-seekers, refugees and the wider community, and supports destitute and homeless asylum seekers by providing resources, advice and accommodation. CAST also builds links between sanctuary-seekers and longer-established communities to nurture integration and community cohesion. Phone: 01702436659 Email: [email protected] Website: Social Media: Facebook | Twitter  

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Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre

Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre offers advice and support, access to employment, education, training, basic life skills and volunteering, alongside an in-house supported housing scheme. The Coventry Destitution Fund offers practical help to people suffering extreme hardship, including food, clothes, night shelter and travel. Contact: Toni Soni Website

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DASH (Destitute Asylum Seekers Huddersfield)

DASH provides support mainly to destitute asylum seekers. these groups do not have access to main public funds and no support from the home office. DASH provides accommodation mainly through its hosting scheme. We also provide limited casework assistance but signpost and refer clients to relevant social services, immigration solicitors and other services. Our work is in Huddersfield but clients from Bradford, Dewsbury and Halifax also come for assistance and support. Contact: Jane Fowden Phone: 07702382647 Email: [email protected] Website

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Fatima House

Fatima House Fatima House project is a partnership between different organisations of the Catholic Church in Birmingham which provides free of charge/temporary accommodation to destitute asylum seeker women.  We receive referrals only from organisations which have signed a memorandum of understanding with Fatima House. Contact: Mauricio Silva Email:  [email protected] Phone:  0121 7730504  

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Home4U is a volunteer-run, Registered Charity based in Cardiff offering accommodation to a small number of asylum seekers who are destitute. It works closely with Space4U, a separate Charity which is a Drop-in Centre with a variety of services for people who are asylum seekers and refugees and also prioritises support for those who are destitute.  Email: [email protected] Website /Facebook / Twitter

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Hope Projects (West Midlands)

Hope Projects challenges flawed refusals of asylum. Working with a network of partner charities across Birmingham, Coventry and the Black Country we provide housing, financial support and legal advice and representation along with peer support activities. Contact: Aliya Khan Email: [email protected] Website

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Sanctuary Hosting

Sanctuary Hosting (formerly Host Oxford) is a project which matches destitute sanctuary seekers to those people with spare rooms and open hearts in the community who are prepared to allow someone to stay with them rent free for a pre-defined period of time. Email:  [email protected] Website: Social Media: Facebook

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International Care Network (ICN)

International Care Network (ICN) provides a range of services for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Dorset, including the teaching of English, a drop in and phone support service giving advice and help with immigration matters, welfare support, finding accommodation and employment etc.  In addition, in the community, a conversation class and homework club with a creche are provided for mums with preschool children.  ICN also looks after Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and vulnerable families from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine for the Local Authorities in Dorset. Contact: Rebecca Fell Phone: 01202 589395 Email: [email protected] Website/ Facebook / Instagram

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Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN)

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network (LASSN) works with refugees and asylum seekers living in Leeds, offering befriending and support to learn English.  The Grace Hosting project links local volunteers with a spare room with asylum seekers and refugees who have nowhere to stay. Contact: Jo Carter Phone number: 07927 808372 Email: [email protected] Website| Twitter | Facebook

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Housing Justice

Housing Justice train and support night shelters, run a pan London hosting scheme for asylum seekers and forced migrants, and provide mentoring and befriending training and support. Website / Twitter / Facebook

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Nightstop North East (Depaul UK)

Nightstop North East (Depaul UK) provides emergency accommodation to homeless clients, including those who are destitute, in the homes of approved and trained volunteers. The scheme is open to anyone over the age of 16. Clients are risk assessed on an individual basis and access accommodation on a night by night basis. The service is available on a short term basis only, but can provide much needed respite for destitute clients. Contact: Ian Forster Office: 07918 904 661 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

One Roof Leicester

One Roof is a consortium of independent faith, community and voluntary sector organisations. We provide support and accommodation to the homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and the destitute in Leicester. Phone: 0116 44 22 007 Website Social Media: Twitter | Facebook

28 April 2016|

Open Door North East

Open Door North East provides accommodation for destitute asylum seekers through our housing scheme. We provide accommodation for refugees, having a mixture of family houses as well as shared houses. We provide supporting services including drop-in sessions for asylum seekers to access support, advice and guidance. We assist refugees to access mainstream benefits and employment. We are able to offer a wide variety of volunteering opportunities across the charity. Contact: Anna Lewis Office: 01642 213 634 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook / Twitter  

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Open Doors Project (Hull)

Open Doors works with asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants, enabling them to integrate into the local society.  We offer a range of services including accommodation, drop-in service, befriending, interpreting, food parcels, hardship funds, employment support basic English classes, Sport/social/music activities, Social and Health wellbeing Service and IT basic lessons and IT facilities. Contact: Cecil Jones Phone: 07986314490 Email: [email protected] Website / Facebook / Twitter

28 April 2016|

The Night Shelter Coventry

The Night Shelter provides emergency bed spaces to migrants and refugees with No Recourse to Public Funds. A hot evening meal, breakfast, storage for bags, and access to washing facilities are provided, and it provides quick access crisis support while people work on longer term solutions. Pin does not accurately reflect the location of this project. Contact: Beth Ash Phone: 07443428916 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

Refugee Support Group

Refugee Support Group helps refugees and asylum seekers to rebuild their lives in Berkshire. Started in 1994 by a group of refugees, we now provide services to hundreds of families and individuals across all of Berkshire. We support refugees from more than 50 countries who have escaped war, violence, persecution and modern slavery. Many have been victims of human trafficking. Some have been tortured. Some have No Recourse to Public Funds. We provide a safe space, OISC accredited advice, practical support and social activities. We run English classes and assist with accessing education, volunteering and employment. We empower our community [...]

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Refugees At Home

Refugees at Home is the UK's largest independent hosting charity which connects those with a spare room in their home to refugees and people seeking asylum who are in need of somewhere to stay. We want to support a society where everyone looking to rebuild their lives in the UK can do so in safety and without the risk of homelessness. Email: [email protected] Website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter      

28 April 2016|

Sanctus St Marks

Sanctus is a support group for refugees and people who are seeking asylum in the UK.  We aim to walk alongside people who find their way to us, from all around the world,  in a non-judgemental and safe environment. Contact: Sally Smith Phone: 01782 266066 Email: [email protected] Website:

28 April 2016|

Southampton & Winchester Visitors’ Group

Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group (SWVG) is a group of volunteers who befriend and support asylum seekers and refugees in the Southampton area. With the help of many generous donors, we offer financial assistance to those who are homeless and destitute. Through our legal justice project we have access to advice from a leading immigration solicitor. We try to give asylum seekers a voice by reaching out to churches, schools and community groups and we campaign for a fairer asylum system. Email: [email protected] Website

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SHARE Tawe is a project of EYST seeking to offer hospitality through accommodation, meals, welcome and solidarity to destitute asylum seekers in Swansea. . We do this through volunteers who offer a room in their home, or who support the scheme in other ways. Contact: Sophie De Marco Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|

St Augustine’s Centre

St. Augustine's Centre is a Halifax-based community centre  that welcomes the vulnerable and cares for all, including destitute asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants. We enable individuals to access support and advice to help with basic needs, and build confidence and prevent isolation through community participation. Contact: Becky Hellewell Phone: 07743045625 Email: [email protected] Website  

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