Homes of Hospitality

Whispers of Hope

Whispers of Hope is a full member of NACCOM supporting women who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual exploitation who have the added complication of complex immigration issues. We support asylum seekers, refugees and those on spouse and family reunion visas. We provide befriending and sign posting to other agencies as well as well-being activities and a weekly SafeSpace meeting. We also have a Safe House, Avan House, offering temporary accommodation to women with no recourse to public funds. This house of hospitality has a part-time live-in host as well as other volunteers who provide emotional and practical support [...]

25 November 2020|

Martha House

Martha House is a small charity providing accommodation to forced migrants experiencing homelessness in London. Food and accommodation are provided for guests who have no recourse to public funds and are not allowed to work. Open to forced migrants with low support needs, who are engaging with services to regularise their immigration status. We accept referrals from agencies who work with migrants who will continue to support clients with their immigration issues or who work closely with their client’s immigration advisers/legal team and will continue to offer clients their services and facilities. We are unable to accept referrals to The [...]

2 January 2020|

Community of Grace

Community of Grace is a community based in Leicester that houses up to 16 people who are homeless, refugees or asylum seekers regardless of recourse to public funds. The project is run by the residence and volunteers with no paid staff and provides support and befriending to everyone involved. Contact: Ben Brown Email: [email protected] Phone number: 07971 218710 Website:

5 October 2018|

Giuseppe Conlon House

Giuseppe Conlon House Giuseppe Conlon House (formerly London Catholic Worker) operate a night shelter and a community house for male asylum seekers and migrants with no recourse to public funds. It is run by a community of volunteers. Phone: 0208 348 8212 Email: [email protected] Website

28 April 2016|
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